14 Oct Environment Week Talk: “#OnePlanetEarth, Scientia potencia est.”
By Nicole Sio and Ashleigh Ching, 12-Sobriety
From September 12 to 21, Immaculate Conception Academy (ICA) held this year’s Environment Week Celebration with the theme, “KalICAsan (Kalingang ICAn para sa Kalikasan): Aksyon para sa Natatanging Mundo,” #OnlyOneEarth. As part of the celebration, the HS Science Department, spearheaded by Mrs. Maria Venessa Bernardo, the Senior High School (SHS) Science Supervisor, and Ms. Mary Jane Mercado, the Junior High School (JHS) Science supervisor, invited a guest speaker to share her experiences and knowledge regarding environmental sustainability.
The environment week talk held on September 19 entitled “#OnePlanetEarth, Scientia potencia est” was hosted by Nicole Sio and Ashleigh Ching of 12-Sobriety. Ms. Catherine Marie Chua, the guest speaker and former ICAn from the Xygenz Batch of 2007, inspired her fellow ICAns with the lessons and wisdom she has acquired as a Sustainability Manager in Tetra Pak, Philippines.
With the numerous environmental and social issues that societies all across the globe have been facing, Ms. Chua shed light on the importance of sustainability and the ways in which ICAns can do their part in actively saving Mother Earth. As the youth and stewards of God’s creations, ICAns were motivated to pursue sustainable practices in order to meet their current needs without sacrificing those of the future generations. Above all, Ms. Chua reminded ICAns that as drivers of change, they must never stop learning. They must identify and understand the root causes of environmental issues and exercise critical thinking before taking action towards change.
This year’s environment week talk, #OnePlanetEarth, Scientia potencia est,” evidently gave ICAns numerous insights that they can carry throughout their academic and personal careers. As one ICA community with a common goal to save their only home, the student body was once again called to spark positive environmental change in their own communities.
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