06 Jul ICA Reco-Launch 2022
Reco-Launch 2022
By Ms. Sandra Santiago
As the ICA Community begins a new school year, the faculty and staff prepare to face the challenges of transitioning to HyFlex Learning. To replenish the soul of the ICA community, the school president, Sr. Irene N. Ferrer M.I.C., facilitated the school’s annual Reco-Launch. This year’s reco-launch is aptly entitled, “#JourneyingAfreshWithJesus”.
After two years of working remotely and being limited to online recollections, this face-to-face session was a welcome change for everyone. It was exhilarating to see and be with colleagues and build community. Members of the faculty and staff were led to reflect on their relationship with Jesus and be reminded of their purpose. This year’s reco-launch was truly a refreshing start to the school year, as each one of us was reminded of Jesus’ love and His call to us to follow him so we may see clearly, make sound decisions, and act as a neighbor to others.
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